Sunday, September 03, 2006

Noelle Dass, Whimsy and Peter Pan

Dog and the Monkey

Sometimes, when I least expect it, a day comes along where the tiedye tees glow and the veggies all seem fresh and clean. That would be the Saturday market in Eugene Oregon. Food and artists and crafts people gather together to literally blow my mind. The last visit to the Saturday Market some art caught my eye and I just loved it. Maybe the bright colors or the simplicity that conveys without words messages more complex than they first appear. Whole stories filled my mind of the hapless monkey that dropped it's banana or the dog chasing a ball in the hot sun. I did talk to the artist for a moment in an instant of mindlessness and said the art would be great in a childs room. She reminded me many adults purchased her art for themselves. I felt old like Peter Pan before he found his youth again in the movie "Hook." Sometime later at the 5th street market (not to be confused with the Saturday Market) I passed a gallery that featured Noelle's creations a style she calls "Artimals" and purchased the dog in the hot sun for myself and a bovine eclypse for my ADULT son. He loved it. Well I contacted Noelle and she gave me permission to share these two pieces with you in my blog. If there were more Noelle's around moving from New York to Oregon I'm sure the world would be too busy enjoying life to ever totally give up their youth. You can visit her web page at Don't miss the wonderful watercolors also exhibited on her site Be sure to tell her Peter Pan said hello and buy something for yourself.

Thank you Noelle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi!!! Noelle im Elka im from Guatemala,Central America... and i was in eugene for a few time and i see you and your paints too.. and i think so beautifull congratulation... now im in Guatemala and i hope that we can to be friends... ok..

again ... congratulation ... for your paints i love it...

stay ok

bye for now...



©Paul Viel